Dog owner

Well, there are more serious health and environmental problems than dog-fouling on the pavement. Still it is a problem: annoying and unhygienical. Esp. children using the greens coming into contact with it.

A man´s best friend

Stadt PaderbornDesigned by class FS2C of William Wordsworth School

And dog-fouling?

But you can do something about it. It should be self-evident that the dog-owners remove the fouling. If not, they are liable to be fined 25 €.

So please use a plastic-bag and watch your dog and remove the fouling immediately. You can also find a map, where the city-council offers free of charge suitable plastic-bags and they are available in most pet-shops.

At more than 40 points in the city, the ASP has disposed poo bag automats. All locations can be found in the online map: